Happy Watoto – Happy children

Focus on the child

The children always play the most important role at the Good Hope Centre. There are about 160 half-orphans, full-orphans and traumatised children living in our homes in Kikatiti and Ngorika who need help to escape the cycle of poverty, illness or violence from their previous living situation. Every time parents or village leaders come to us and ask us to take in a child, our social workers check the family circumstances. Children who are admitted to the home are usually cases who lack any possibility of remaining in their family environment – be it due to a lack of relatives or their poverty. We also make sure that siblings are admitted together.

Once a child is admitted, we lovingly take care of their accommodation, nutrition, medical care, upbringing and education. In our community, the children grow up in an environment that enables them to find their feet and develop sustainable, viable personalities until the end of their school years. We therefore make it a point to keep the turnover of children and caregivers as low as possible and to allow friendships and responsibilities to grow and be taken into life. Let yourself be inspired by some of the life stories of our children.

Please note

To protect the identity and welfare of the children, we do not publish their real names or pictures. The children’s stories and experiences published here have not been altered.

Good Hope Centre Kali


Age: 17

Class: 7


An organization found Kali on the street with her cousin. The family had no fixed home and begged on the streets for a living.
Good Hope Centre Lauralyn


Age: 14

Class: 7


Initially, Lauralyn was placed with another organization that takes care of street children.
Good Hope Centre Bailey


Age: 13

Class: 7


Bailey lived with her very old grandmother in impoverished circumstances. When the organization met the two, the grandma said that Bailey was an orphan.
Good Hope Centre SAMUEL





The organization found Jimmy with a woman (“Good Samaritan”) who had been taking care of him since his mother had passed away.
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